Preseason Problems

With season seven coming to an end in early November, all the balance changes planned for the preseason are bound to shake up the state of the game. As a viewer of North American League of Legends Championship Series, I am excited about all the new popular champions and revolutionary tactics these changes might bring about in pro play. however, as a frequent player of League of Legends Ranked solo que I believe I might hold off on doing my placements for awhile so the broken items, champions, and runes reforged changes balance out after a few patched. The reason being is when season 8 begins not only will all players from every rank be reset, but I will not have the knowledge needed to play at the highest level possible. Since ranked solo que is influenced by a hidden value called MMR which is calculated by wins and losses, possibly losing a lot of placement games against more knowledgeable and skilled players would tank a players MMR. Fixing this initial drop in MMR can cause a player to waste a lot of time trying to climb back up to where they were before everyone’s rank was reset. Secondly with the drastic changes to runes and mastery pages their is bound to be very unbalanced play styles and champions that I wont catch in time to practice against  or abuse it myself since I have a small champion pool. So for the start of season 8 I will wait a few weeks for everyone’s MMR to settle and for Riot to fix the balancing issues with the game. This way I better my chances of starting off the season right.

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